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Sub-Kelvin Coolers Recycling

Pump Configuration

Of the three sub-Kelvin stages in MUSCAT two—the 1-K and 450-mK stages—are cooled by continuous sorption coolers. In total there are six sorption pumps used to cool these stages with two He4 pumps used to cool the 1-K stage and two sets of He4-He3 paired pumps to cool the 450-mK stage. For each stage, the pumps are divided into two subsystems (refereed to as A and B). This subsystems are recycled sequentially to provide continuous cooling. The following figures present a highly-simplified schematic of the configuration of each of these coolers.

Configuration of a CC4 sorption cooler
CC4 Sorption Cooler configuration
Configuration of a CC7 sorption cooler
CC7 Sorption Cooler configuration

Input Parameters

The recycling of the coolers is controlled by a state machine scripted in LabView. This state machine has two sets of input parameters each contained in a human-readable .ini file.

Hardware Configuration Parameters

The first set of parameters is the physical channel IDs of the various heaters and temperature sensors. This is purely dependent on hardware configuration and present no possibility for optimisation and so is not further discussed here.

Cycle Optimisation Parameters

The second set of parameters defines values like the set temperature each pump is heated to along with the voltage used for heating and the value of the exit condition for each stage of the cycle. The complete set of parameters is listed below

SectionParameterDescriptionDefault ValueUnitValid Range
CC7He4APumpSetTTemperature to heat He4 A pump to condense He437.0KelvinMin: 0
CC7He4APumpVHeatVoltage used to heat He4 A pump up to He4APumpSetT24.0VoltsMin: 0, Max: 24
CC7He4APumpVHoldVoltage used to hold He4 A pump at approximately He4APumpSetT during condensation3.5VoltsMin: 0, Max: 24
CC7He4AHSVOnVoltage to turn on (close) heat switch for He4 A pump3.5VoltsMin: 0, Max: 5
CC7He4AHSVOffVoltage to apply while heat switch for He4 A pump is off (open)0VoltsMin: 0, Max: 5
CC7He3APumpSetTTemperature to heat He3 A pump to condense He335.0KelvinMin: 0
CC7He3APumpVHeatVoltage used to heat He3 A pump up to He3APumpSetT24.0VoltsMin: 0, Max: 24
CC7He3APumpVHoldVoltage used to hold He3 A pump at approximately He3APumpSetT during condensation3.5VoltsMin: 0, Max: 24
CC7He3AHSVOnVoltage to turn on (close) heat switch for He3 A pump3.5VoltsMin: 0, Max: 5
CC7He3AHSVOffVoltage to apply while heat switch for He3 A pump is off (open)0VoltsMin: 0, Max: 5
CC7He3ASoftStartVVoltage used to preheat He3 A pump during heating of He4 A pump0VoltsMin: 0, Max: 24
CC7He4BPumpSetTTemperature to heat He4 B pump to condense He437.0KelvinMin: 0
CC7He4BPumpVHeatVoltage used to heat He4 B pump up to He4APumpSetT24.0VoltsMin: 0, Max: 24
CC7He4BPumpVHoldVoltage used to hold He4 B pump at approximately He4APumpSetT during condensation3.5VoltsMin: 0, Max: 24
CC7He4BHSVOnVoltage to turn on (close) heat switch for He4 B pump3.5VoltsMin: 0, Max: 5
CC7He4BHSVOffVoltage to apply while heat switch for He4 B pump is off (open)0VoltsMin: 0, Max: 5
CC7He3BPumpSetTTemperature to heat He3 B pump to condense He335.0KelvinMin: 0
CC7He3BPumpVHeatVoltage used to heat He3 B pump up to He3APumpSetT24.0VoltsMin: 0, Max: 24
CC7He3BPumpVHoldVoltage used to hold He3 B pump at approximately He3APumpSetT during condensation5.0VoltsMin: 0, Max: 24
CC7He3BHSVOnVoltage to turn on (close) heat switch for He3 B pump3.5VoltsMin: 0, Max: 5
CC7He3BHSVOffVoltage to apply while heat switch for He3 B pump is off (open)0VoltsMin: 0, Max: 5
CC7He3BSoftStartVVoltage used to preheat He3 B pump during heating of He4 B pump0VoltsMin: 0, Max: 24
CC7He4CondTempTemperature below which we consider He4 to condense in the system4.2KelvinMin: 0
CC7He4CondTimeTime to wait for He4 to condense480SecondsMin: 0
CC7He3CondTempTemperature below which we consider He3 to condense in the system3.1KelvinMin: 0
CC7He3CondTimeTime to wait for He3 to condense480SecondsMin: 0
CC7HSOffBelowTemperature below which a heat switch is considered to be off (open)15.0KelvinMin: 0
CC7TimeBetweenCyclesTime between the end of a A/B subsystem cycle and the start of the B/A cycle480SecondsMin: 0
CC7He3TimeOutFall-back parameter - Maximum time to wait after pumping He4 for the head of a He3 pump to cool below He3CondTemp before manually advancing the cycle2700SecondsMin: 0
CC4He4APumpSetTTemperature to heat He4 A pump to condense He447.0KelvinMin: 0
CC4He4APumpVHeatVoltage used to heat He4 A pump up to He4APumpSetT24.0VoltsMin: 0, Max: 24
CC4He4APumpVHoldVoltage used to hold He4 A pump at approximately He4APumpSetT during condensation4.5VoltsMin: 0, Max: 24
CC4He4AHSVOnVoltage to turn on (close) heat switch for He4 A pump5.0VoltsMin: 0, Max: 5
CC4He4AHSVOffVoltage to apply while heat switch for He4 A pump is off (open)0VoltsMin: 0, Max: 5
CC4He4BPumpSetTTemperature to heat He4 A pump to condense He447.0KelvinMin: 0
CC4He4BPumpVHeatVoltage used to heat He4 A pump up to He4BPumpSetT24.0VoltsMin: 0, Max: 24
CC4He4BPumpVHoldVoltage used to hold He4 A pump at approximately He4BPumpSetT during condensation5.0VoltsMin: 0, Max: 24
CC4He4BHSVOnVoltage to turn on (close) heat switch for He4 A pump5.0VoltsMin: 0, Max: 5
CC4He4BHSVOffVoltage to apply while heat switch for He4 A pump is off (open)0VoltsMin: 0, Max: 5
CC4HSOffBelowTemperature below which a heat switch is considered to be off (open)15.0KelvinMin: 0
CC4TimeAfterCC7BeforeCC4Time to wait after finishing the CC7 subsystem cycle before finishing the CC4 subsystem cycle0SecondsMin: 0
MDStillVOnVoltage applied to still heater to circulate He31.8VoltsMin: 0, Max: 2
MDStartStillBelowTTemperature of still condensor (450-mK stage) below which to start circulating He30.6KelvinMin: 0

Example Files

Example configuration files, based on the currently used parameters are available for download here.

Cycle State Flow

The following presents a basic overview of the states used in the state-machine to recycle the coolers in MUSCAT cryostat.


The following steps assume that the pulse tube is running and system has cooled to 4 K. These preliminary steps are controlled and reported by the MUSCAT Cryogenics Control and Logging Software but are note detailed here.

  1. Start with all HSs CC*He**HSVOn
  2. Set CC4 A HS heater CC4He4AHSVOff, go to 2
  3. Set CC7 A He3 and He4 HS heaters to CC7He3AHSVOff and CC7He4AHSVOff, go to 3
  4. if CC4 He4A HS is < CC4HSOffBelow go to 4; else go to 3
  5. Apply CC4He4APumpVHeat to CC4 He4 A pump heater, go to 5
  6. if CC7 He4 A HS AND CC7 He3 A HS < CC7HSOffBelow go to 6, else go to 5
  7. Apply CC7He4APumpVHeat to CC7 He4 A pump heater, apply CC7He3ASoftStartV to CC7 He3 A pump heater, go to 7
  8. if CC7 He4 A pump > CC7He4APumpSetT go to 8 (once only); if CC4 He4 A pump > CC4He4APumpSetT go to 9 (once only); if CC7 He4 A pump > CC7He4APumpSetT AND CC4 He4 A pump > CC4He4APumpSetT go to 10; else go to 7
  9. Apply CC7He4APumpVHold to CC7 He4 A pump heater, go to 7
  10. Apply CC4He4APumpVHold to CC4 He4 A pump heater, go to 7
  11. Apply CC7He3APumpVHeat to CC7 He3 A pump heater, go to 11
  12. if CC7 He3 A pump > CC7He3APumpSetT go to 12; else go to 11
  13. Apply CC7He3APumpVHold, go to 13
  14. if CC7 He4 A head < CC7He4CondTemp go to 14; else go to 13
  15. wait CC7He4CondTime then go to 15.
  16. Set CC7 He4 A pump heater to 0, apply CC7He4AHSVOn to CC7 He4A HS heater, go to 16
  17. if CC7 He3 A head < CC7He3CondTemp go to 17; else if time at this state > CC7He3TimeOut go to 17; else go to 16
  18. wait CC7He3CondTime, then go to 18
  19. Set CC7 He3 A pump heater to 0, apply CC7He3AHSVOn to CC7 He3A HS heater, go to 19
  20. wait CC4TimeAfterCC7BeforeCC4, then go to 20
  21. Set CC4 He4 A pump heater to 0, apply CC4He4AHSVOn to CC4 He4A HS heater, go to 21
  22. wait CC7TimeBetweenCycles, then go to 22
  23. Set CC4 B HS heater to CC4He4BHSVOff, go to 23
  24. Set CC7 B He3 and He4 HS heaters to CC7He3BHSVOff and CC7He4BHSVOff, go to 24
  25. if CC4 He4 B HS < CC4HSOffBelow, go to 25; else go to 24
  26. Apply CC4He4BPumpVHeat to CC4 He4 B pump heater, go to 26
  27. if CC7 He4 B HS AND CC7 He3 B HS < CC7HSOffBelow go to 27, else go to 26
  28. Apply CC7He4BPumpVHeat to CC7 He4 B pump heater, apply CC7He3BSoftStartV to CC7 He3 A pump heater, go to 28
  29. if CC7 He4 B pump > CC7He4BPumpSetT go to 29 (once only); if CC4 He4 B pump > CC4He4BPumpSetT go to 30 (once only), if CC4 He4 B pump > CC4He4BPumpSetT AND CC7 He4 B pump > CC7He4BPumpSetT go to 31, else go to 28
  30. Apply CC7He4BPumpVHold to CC7 He4 B pump heater, go to 28
  31. Apply CC4He4BPumpVHold to CC4 He4 B pump heater, go to 28
  32. Apply CC7He3BPumpVHeat to CC7 He3 B pump heater, go to 32
  33. if CC7 He3 B pump > CC7He3BPumpSetT go to 33, else go to 32
  34. Apply CC7He3BPumpVHold to CC7 He3 B pump heater, go to 34
  35. if CC7 He4 B pump head < CC7He4CondTemp go to 35, else go to 34
  36. wait CC7He4CondTime, then go to 36.
  37. Set CC7 He4 B pump heater to 0, apply CC7He4BHSVOn to CC7 He4 B HS, go to 37
  38. if CC7 He3 B head < CC7He3CondTemp go to 38; else if time at this state > CC7He3TimeOut go to 38; else go to 37
  39. wait CC7He3CondTime, then go to 39
  40. Set CC7 He3 B pump heater to 0, apply CC7He3BHSVOn to CC7 He3B HS heater, go to 40
  41. wait CC4TimeAfterCC7BeforeCC4, then go to 41
  42. Set CC4 He4 B pump heater to 0, apply CC4CC7He4BHSVOn to CC4 He4B HS heater, go to 42
  43. wait CC7TimeBetweenCycles, then go to 1

Miniature Dilution Refrigerator

The cycle described above does not consider the operation of the miniature dilution refrigerator used to cool the detectors from 450 mK to 120 mK. A dilution refrigerator )either standard or miniature) is inherently continuous and thus does not require recycling in the same way that a sorption-cooler based system does. The miniature dilution refrigerator simply requires a static thermal power to be applied to its still (also known as the evaporator). In theory this power could be applied at all times including during the cooldown from 300 K, however the reality of doing this would be that cooldown of the 450-mK stage from 4 K to its base temperature would take longer were this done. Instead the state machine used to cycle the continuous sorption coolers monitors the cooldown of the 450-mK stage and when appropriate applies the thermal load to the still. To do this the state machine is modified as follows:

  • A flag variable called FocalPlaneReady is added with a default value of False
  • If at Step 39 above the temperature of the miniature dilution refrigerator's mixing chamber (the detector stage of MUSCAT) is above MDStartStillBelowT, FocalPlaneReady is set to False, the still heater is switched off (0 V applied) and the state machine advances to Step 40
  • If at Step 39 above the temperature of the miniature dilution refrigerator's mixing chamber is below MDStartStillBelowT AND FocalPlaneReady is False, FocalPlaneReady is set to True, the still heater is left off (with 0 V applied) and the state machine moves on to Step 40
  • If at Step 39 above the temperature of the miniature dilution refrigerator's mixing chamber is below MDStartStillBelowT AND FocalPlaneReady is True (that is to say the above condition was met on the previous B sub-system cycle), the still heater is set to MDStillVOn and the state machine moves on to Step 40